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Command-line toolsPython scriptsa2sfvRead the CRC32 hashes from a compressed archive and output an SFV file on stdout.Definitively faster than extracting all the files and re-computing the hashes from scratch! usage: a2sfv ARCHIVE_FILE > SFV_FILEdownload: a2sfv.py (req. pylib7zip) autotrimromA (mostly) universal ROM dumps trimmer.It removes the padding bytes set to 00 or FF at the end of the input file. It was originally meant for use with the Goomba emulator. usage: autotrimrom.py INPUT_FILE [OUTPUT FILE]If the output file is omitted, only the trimmable bytes are counted. In every case the input file is keep untouched (inplace trim is not allowed, use truncate for that). download: autotrimrom.py download old C version: trimrom.zip binpack (single subset bin packer)This is a file bin packer featuring the subset sum DP algorithm.It does not try to minimize the number of bins used, it just selects a single subset of files that best fit a single bin. usage: binpack.py [-s BIN SIZE] [-p PRECISION] FILES_LIST the binsize and precision can be specified using human suffixes and string constants (like 1MB, 2GB, CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R (default), etc.) the precision is adapted automatically according to the bin size. subdirectories are handled as single files and their sizes are computed recursively (this behaviour cannot be changed by now).download: binpack.py download the old C version (buggy): ss.zip cheat tables converters(moved here) renfromdats (datfile renamer)A mass-renamer from datfiles, meant to be used with non-ROM files (cheat sheets, IPS patches, etc.)See my blog post for more infos. download: renfromdats.py data-serialization formats converterTools to convert between structured files formats like json, xml, csv, etc. See also my fileconvert tool.downloads: xml2json.py csv2ndjson.py ndjson2csv.py ical2ndjson.py vcard2ndjson.py ndjson2csv.py ini2json.py wkt2geojson.py pydict2json.py hwmonGeneric hardware-monitoring service based on psutil.Featuring:
download: hwmon.py eventsmonGeneric system events monitoring service based on dbus. It uses the system TTS to notify:
rtttl2beepPlay old Nokia ringtones via the internal PC speaker/beeper.It will also output the corresponding beep commands to play the melody with a standalone script. Code derived from upy-rtttl. example usages: python rtttl2beep.py "alexkid:d=4,o=5,b=90:16d6,8d6,16f#6,a6,16e6,8e6,16g6,b6,16a6,8a6,16b6,8c#7,8b6,8a6,8g6,f#6,16d6,8d6,16f#6,a6,16e6,8e6,16g6,b6,8a6,8a6,8c#7,8a6,d7" python rtttl2beep.py alexkid.txt > alexkid.shdownload: rtttl2beep.py shell scriptsMAME/MESS auto-launcherA launcher for the MAME/MESS emulator that will try to guess the system and device name from the input file extension.download Linux shell version: mess download Windows shell version: mess.bat Retroarch auto-launcherRetroarch launcher similar to the previous one. It selects a different configuration file according the input file type (may need paths customization).download Linux shell version: retroarch download Windows shell version: retroarch.bat hexalterView or change a single byte in a file with an hex address and value.usage: hexalter FILE ADDRESS[=NEW_VALUE]If NEW_VALUE is omitted it outputs the current value to stdout, otherwise the file is altered in place and no backup is made. download Linux shell version: hexalter download the old C version: hex.zip patchchtStatically patch Game Genie codes from a plaintext cheatsheet file using uCON64.usage: patchcht ORIGINAL_ROM_FILE INPUT_CHT_FILEdownload Linux shell version: patchcht macinitLots of useful shell macros making use of many scripts linked in this page.download Linux shell version: macinit download Windows shell version: macinit.bat reassocLots of useful file associations and shell extensions.download Windows shell version: reassoc.bat (requires ftype2.bat, assoc2.bat, shellex.bat and nircmdc) powerAll-in-one script to control the power status of PCs and single devices.example usages: power off monitor power off wifi power off # remote power off power status # check the power status of a remote PC power status all # check the power status of all PCs in the current subnet power on 00:41:F5:A1:3A:8D # try Wake On Lan via MAC address power on OnkyoAmplidownload Linux version: power dowload Windows version: power.bat Japanese-romaji convertersA set of converters for the Japanese language.Useful to type words in Hiragana and Katakana with a Latin keyboard, transliterate text, rename files, etc. I've originally made them for use with the sdcv dictionary utility, but they are easily reusable as filters. They only require sed and an UTF8-compatible shell, so they are very portable. download: romaji2kana.sed (romaji to hiragana and katakana converter) download: kana2romaji (hiragana and katakana to romaji converter) download: kanji2kana.sed (kanji to hiragana converter, still incomplete, see jakaroma for a better alternative) download: transliterate (just a wrapper) talkfiltersTalkfilters are small programs that convert ordinary English text into text that mimics a stereotyped or otherwise humorous dialect.These only require sed, so they are very portable. download: caveman (Hulkspeak, Tarzan speech) cold (man with a cold) drunk (drunk man) asian (Engrish) french (fake French-English accent) german (fake German-English accent) russian (fake Russian-English accent) filetoolsThese are wrapper scripts that detect the input file type and perform various operations on it using external tools (like imagemagick or ffmpeg).They can also be added to the file manager context menu and invoked from there (for Windows see reassoc.bat, for KDE see the desktop files). download: fileconvert (convert filetype) fileconvert.desktop fileconvert.bat fileinfo (list metadata) fileinfo.bat fileinfo.desktop filecheck (check for internal errors) filecheck.bat filefix (fix internal errors) filefix.bat filenew (create new files from templates) filenew.desktop filenew.bat file2txt (convert any file to plaintext) file2txt.bat filegrep (grep in any file as plaintext) filegrep.bat fileawk filecut (cut/split any file) filecat (append/concatenate files) filecmp (compare contents ignoring the container) filetag (view and edit file tags) fileunpack (extract archives and embedded files) fileunpack.bat media file recorder and streamerThey only require VLC to work. May need encoding parameters customization.example usages: record mic out.flac record desktop out.mp4 record cam out.mp4 stream music.mp3 stream camdownload Linux shell versions: record, stream download Windows shell versions: record.bat, stream.bat shellscript alternativesThese are pure shellscript alternatives to some popular compiled tools.They are self-contained and busybox-compatible and thus quite portable (for Windows see busybox-w32), but they only provide a reduced feature set of the originals. download: bc (basic calculator) bc.bat csvtool (CSV files toolkit) csvtool.bat detox (safe file renamer) file (identify the MIME type) rename (mass-renamer) rename.bat man (download from internet if local man is missing) man.bat say (invoke the system TTS if present) say.bat units (units converter) units.bat srm (securely delete a file by overwriting multiple times) srm.bat (requires: dd in your PATH) sfill (zero-fill the freespace) sfill.bat xlock (lock the screen) xlock.bat compiledmabMozilla Thunderbird address book viewer based on this mork parser.usage: mab MABFILE [SEARCH_QUERY]download C++ source code and binaries: mab.zip gammaTool to change the video gamma correction based on the Gamma Ramp API.Tested and works with most recent video cards. usage: gamma [NEW_GAMMA] supported range: 1.0-2.0download C++ source code and Windows binary: gamma.zip (for linux see the command xgamma) More tools in this github repo. 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