eadmaster Dot TK

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Cheat packs collection

Retroarch cheat pack

This is a small cheat pack for post-32bit systems converted using this script from the native format: chtnative2retroarch.py
(read the full story here).

download: eadmaster_retroach_cheats.zip

bsnes yaml cheat pack (GoodTools filenames)

This cheat pack was converted from the old MightyMo bsnes pack using a python script (included).
download: bsnes_yaml_cheats.zip

SSF AR CEP code converter

This is a script to convert Saturn AR codes into the format used by CEP, according to the instructions from here.
It will only convert a single code, you will have to manually copy-paste the output into your CODELIST.TXT file.
example usage: ar2cep.py 160D8DF80000
download: ar2cep.py
example codelist with some codes converted by me: CODELIST.TXT

PSX PEC codelist converters

Converters for the PEC codelist (a HUGE compilation of PlayStation cheat codes).
No extra dependencies, but only compatible with Python 2.
usage: pec2epsxe /path/to/codelist.inf [gamename|SLXX-XXXXX]
  if no gamename or code is specified then all the cheats are converted (warning: will generate a LOT of files!).
download: pec2epsxe.py (for ePSXe 1.8+)
download: pec2pcsxr.py (for PCSXR)
download: pec2cep.py (for CEP and pSX)

MightyMo (NoIntro filenames)

These collections were previously hosted on the MightyMo website.

ExportCheats (NoIntro filenames)

The ExportCheats website went offline on October 2011.
GameHacking.org currently provides an export feature, but for single games only.
NOTE: these cheat tables were automatically generated using scripts, some of them may not work.

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