Banner Member List

This is the complete list of members for Banner, including all inherited members.

AlphaGFX [protected]
Angle(const ScreenObject &Another) const ScreenObject [inline]
AnimGFX [protected]
AnimNoLoopsGFX [protected]
Banner(const std::string InitText="", const SDL_Color InitColor=BLACK, const u16 InitSize=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, const std::string InitFontFilename=DEFAULT_FONT_FILE)Banner [inline]
Clone(void) const GFX [inline]
CollisionCirc(const ScreenObject &Another, u16 Range=0) const ScreenObject [inline]
CollisionRect(const ScreenObject &Another, u16 Range=0) const ScreenObject [inline]
Distance(const ScreenObject &Another) const ScreenObject [inline]
Draw()Banner [inline, virtual]
DrawAll(void)ScreenObject [static]
DrawLine(const u16 X1, const u16 Y1, const u16 X2, const u16 Y2, SDL_Color EdgeColor=BLACK, u8 Thick=1)GFX [inline]
DrawRect(Rect r, SDL_Color FillColor=BLACK)GFX [inline]
FPSGFX [protected]
FrameGFX [protected]
GetAlpha() const GFX [inline]
GetCenterX(void) const ScreenObject [inline]
GetCenterY(void) const ScreenObject [inline]
GetColor(void) const Banner [inline]
GetFPS()GFX [inline]
GetFrame() const GFX [inline]
GetFrameRect() const GFX [protected]
GetHeight() const GFX [inline]
GetNoFrames()GFX [inline]
GetPixel(const u16 X, const u16 Y) const GFX [inline]
GetPosition(void) const ScreenObject [inline]
GetPrio() const ScreenObject [inline]
GetSize(void) const Banner [inline]
GetSurface() const GFX [inline]
GetText(void) const Banner [inline]
GetTrans(void) const GFX [inline]
GetVX() const ScreenObject [inline]
GetVY() const ScreenObject [inline]
GetWidth() const GFX [inline]
GetX() const ScreenObject [inline]
GetY() const ScreenObject [inline]
GFX()GFX [inline]
GFX(const std::string Filename, const SDL_Color InitTransparent=NONE, const u16 InitNoFrames=1)GFX [inline]
GFX(SDL_Surface *InitSurface, const SDL_Color InitTransparent=NONE, const u16 InitNoFrames=1)GFX [inline]
GFX(SDL_Color InitColor, u16 Width=Screen->w, u16 Height=Screen->h)GFX [inline]
HGFX [protected]
Hide()ScreenObject [inline]
isAnim() const GFX [inline]
isMoving() const ScreenObject [inline]
isVisible()ScreenObject [inline]
LastFrameTimeGFX [protected]
LastMoveTimeScreenObject [protected]
Move(void)ScreenObject [protected]
MultisetSortedByPrio typedefScreenObject [protected]
NoFramesGFX [protected]
OriginalSurfaceGFX [protected]
PauseAnim()GFX [inline]
PrioScreenObject [protected]
Register()ScreenObject [inline, protected]
RegisteredScreenObjectsScreenObject [protected, static]
ROs_PosScreenObject [protected]
RotZoomEnabledGFX [protected]
Save(const std::string Filename) const GFX [inline]
ScreenObject()ScreenObject [inline, protected]
SetAlpha(const u8 NewAlpha=SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE)GFX [inline]
SetColor(const SDL_Color NewColor=BLACK)Banner [inline]
SetFont(const std::string NewFontFilename=DEFAULT_FONT_FILE)Banner [inline]
SetFrame(const u16 NewFrame=0)GFX [inline]
SetNoFrames(const u16 NewNoFrames=1)GFX [inline]
SetPixel(const u16 X, const u16 Y, const SDL_Color Color=BLACK)GFX [inline]
SetPrio(const u16 NewPrio=DEFAULT_BANNER_PRIO)Banner [inline, virtual]
SetSize(const u16 NewSize=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)Banner [inline]
SetSurface(SDL_Surface *NewSurface)GFX [inline]
SetText(std::string NewText="")Banner [inline]
SetTrans(const SDL_Color NewTransparent=NONE)GFX [inline]
SetVisible(bool b=true)ScreenObject [inline]
SetVX(const s16 NewVX=0)ScreenObject [inline]
SetVXY(const s16 NewVX=0, const s16 NewVY=0)ScreenObject [inline]
SetVY(const s16 NewVY=0)ScreenObject [inline]
SetX(const s16 NewX=0)ScreenObject [inline]
SetXY(const s16 NewX=0, const s16 NewY=0)ScreenObject [inline, virtual]
SetY(const s16 NewY=0)ScreenObject [inline]
Show()ScreenObject [inline]
StartAnim()GFX [inline]
StopAnim()GFX [inline]
SurfaceGFX [protected]
TransparentGFX [protected]
Unregister()ScreenObject [inline, protected]
UpdateFrame(void)GFX [protected]
VisibleScreenObject [protected]
VXScreenObject [protected]
VYScreenObject [protected]
WGFX [protected]
XScreenObject [protected]
YScreenObject [protected]
~Banner()Banner [inline]
~ScreenObject()ScreenObject [inline, protected]

Generated on Tue May 12 09:01:35 2009 for libmSDL by  doxygen 1.5.9